Edit a Case

The Edit Cases interface allows you to update details to the case. It contains the same fields as the Create Case form pre-filled with the responses when the case was drafted or submitted.

This interface is used to continue working on a case saved as a draft or when a submitted case is assessed by AEMO Australian Energy Market Operator and requires more information.

Editing a case

To edit a case:

  1. Click Connections Simulation Tool > Edit Cases.

  2. Click on the case listed.

  3. Complete the case details in the provided fields.

  4. If more information is required, navigate to the Notes section to review the feedback provided by the AEMO CST team.

  5. Provide the requested information and if required, reupload the PSCAD model file and documentation.

  6. If required, in the Notes section, click Add Note to add a note to acknowledge updates have been made.

  1. Click Continue. Alternatively, you can click Save as draft to save the case as a draft and return to it later. See View Cases.

  1. Click Confirm & Submit to submit the case. The Case will be in the Submitted status. See Next steps.