View site summary

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This topic describes how to view and understand the Site Summary interface.


To view the site summary:

About site summary

The Surveys Summary interface displays a summary of capacity for the entire site. The interface is used to review survey information before Submitting for Approval.

Viewing site summary

To view survey summaries:

  1. Click Summary Lists and then Surveys Versions.
  2. Find the survey and under Edit/+Version, click the pencil icon.
  3. To make your search easier, you can search using the Survey ID or Version number. Or sort any of the column headings by clicking the up or down arrows.
  4. The Site Details interface displays. Click the Site Summary tab.
    If this is an updated version of the survey (not a new survey) a change comparison displays.
  5. Review the survey details:
  6. Max Site Capacity (MW): The maximum capacity (MW) of the entire site according to the Generator Performance Standards or your best estimate if unknown.
  7. Total Individual Units: The total count of individual units for the entire site. If the Generating Units created are not part of a cluster, they are counted as 1 unit. You add these the Generating Units interface.
  8. Total Upper Nameplate Capacity (MW): The sum of each Generating Unit’s nameplate capacity, aggregated for the entire site (should align closely with the Max Site Capacity). You add this when you create the Generating Unit.
  9. Site Scheduled Capacities (MW): The sum of each individual Generating Unit’s scheduled capacity, aggregated for the entire site. It should align closely with the Max Site Capacity adjusted for seasonal variation and any planned outages. If the site is not operational, align it to the latest Target Commercial Use Date in the Scheduled Capacity Profile.
  10. To view additional survey details, click one of the tabs, such as: Survey Assignees, Project Commitment Groups, Operational Groups, Generating Units, Scheduled Capacities, and Scheduled Capacity Exceptions.

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